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The new leadership of Kg Sg Pusu under Mr Nazrul Azhan Majid and his working committee envision to make the village an ecotourism spot. This is a long term sustainable effort that will help the villagers to generate income and to conserve the natural environment of Sg Pusu. Thus, the commitment and support from the villages particularly the youth is instrumental. The Committee also emphasises on a few issues affecting the youth that need immediate attention; character building and interpersonal communication, influence from social media and lack of guidance to pursue tertiary education.


Social Wellness Campaign comprises of a research project on well-being and a series of activities for Kg Sg Pusu youth. The research component aims to measure the wellbeing of the local community particularly the youth. The findings will help to identify actual issues and problems faced by the youth that affects their wellbeing. We will use the findings to provide appropriate knowledge and skills through several activities for the youth. The proposed activities include motivation, workshop, career exploration day, social media literacy camp, interpersonal communication training and gotong royong.  


Positive Mind, Positive Vibes, Positive Life

3E Project

In a relationship, when communication starts to fade, everything else will follow

3E Project


1. To identify actual issues and problem face by the youth.

2. To produce youth who embrace positive character (adab), self-motivated, competent in interpersonal communication and able to resist negative influence from the social media.


1. To inculcate positive values (good moral character).

2. To improve interpersonal communication skills among youth.

3. To improve media literacy among youth.

4. To provide exposure on courses at the tertiary level that suits their career path.

5) To identify actual issues and problems face by youth in Sungai Pusu.

Parties involved

Project Leader:
Dr. Azlin Haji Alwi

Team Members: 

Prof. Dr. Saodah Wok

Dr. Aini Maznina A. Manaf

Dr. Kamaruzzaman Manan

Dr. Tg Aisha Tg Azzman

Dr. Shafizan Mohamad

Dr. Wan Norshira Ghazali

Dr. Nerawi Sedu

Dr. Helmi Yusoh

Dr. Rizalawati Ismail

Ms Shakira Nasir

Tn. Hj Aznan Mat Piah

Internal Collaborator:



IIUM Today


PR Campaign Strategies Class

Library Darul Hikmah

Counseling and Career Services Centre

Transportation Unit IIUM

Kuliyyah of IRKHS

Kuliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design 

External Collaborator:

Jabatan Kesihatan Gombak

Pejabat Daerah Gombak

Suruhanjaya Komunikasi & Multimedia Malaysia

Potential sponsors



SDG 3: Good Health and Wellbeing

SDG 4: Quality Education


Empower Youth to resist negative influences and cope with challenges.

Produce youth who embraces positive character and motivated to pursue higher education



To inculcate positive values (good moral character) among youth in Kg Sg Pusu.

To improve interpersonal communication skills among youth.

To improve media literacy among youth.

To provide exposure on courses at the tertiary level that suits their career path.

To identify actual issues and problems face by youth in Sg Pusu.


High Score in Social Wellbeing Index

2. Tetrahedron Model / Shared Platform

(A) Human & Social Transformation

(B) Spirituality & Post Studies

3. Maqasid Shariah

i. Protection of Faith

ii. Protection of Life

iii. Protection of Lineage

iv. Protection of Intellect

v. Protection of Wealth

Empowering, Enabling, Enriching
The Youth.

We are committed to make a change.

Come and Join Us to support the community!

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